I think we finally have winter now, 13" total last week and down as low as 22 degrees. That is for sure winter for us. I have been waiting to have my climbing rose Cecile Brunner go dormant so I can move it (see a couple of posts below about moving the rose). Now I hope it survived these low temps, it's not one that can get into the 20's for very long without protection. Luckily I did protect the crown of it at least. It was really fun to have all the snow around but now it's turned back to our usual, tons of rain and more rain. I already see the bulbs coming up for spring so I know spring is around the corner, YAY! I love it when the days start getting longer little by little. I have been to the nursery and the Sarcococca or commonly called Sweet Box is blooming and it smells wonderful, like jasmine. This would be great by my front door on the north side because it likes the shade and would smell so good at my entry. Another plant I don't have and here it is just January and I want a new plant. Just when I think I have enough plants there is always something else I "need". Well onward we go , next stop Spring!