Easy Perennial and bunny proof too
One of my favorite EASY perennials are all the many varieties of Geraniums. I keep adding more to the garden. This one is Johnsons Blue. Luckily the bunnies don't like them. I have a smorgasborg of plants for them and now I see what they like. They love my pansies, english daisies, ornamental clovers, course, duh, the tall daisies, my garden phlox, pussy toes, black mondo grass but not the Japanese Forest grass (so far). Then when one of the little bunnies was crossing the road as we are pulling out of our driveway and my husband says "do you want me to get him"? as he is driving toward it and I scream and say NO don't hurt it. He's thinking since I have been complaining about all the bunnies have eaten that I want them gone, yikes I just can not do that.